14 Bay View Terrace
January 11th.
My dear May,
Thank you for your letter. I got the card all right but as you said you were going to write soon I was waiting to hear from you . I am longing to have further news from Mary I should think some one would soon now I expect she is very proud of her boy I do hope she is going on all right, I had a letter from her last week none in this last mail. I wonder what the boy will be called, I hope Mary will be able to get someone nice to help her. How do you feel now you are an Aunty? I was an Aunt when I was 23, it makes me feel quite ancient to be a great Aunt. I am sorry that Kate has been poorly again. I am keeping about the same still in bed, Elizabeth has had to go to the infirmary to have a tumour removed she went the week before last and came back yesterday but is weak and not up to much yet, I have had her sister with me, and we got on very well but of course I missed Elizabeth I cannot think how she kept up so long as she did, so all that has been rather a worry to me. I am glad you enjoyed your parties and that your horse is all right again. Kittens are aggravating, I wonder they don’t break the things as you have so many Knacks nacks about. I hope poor Nation will not go blind. There is great excitement here about the election but of course I see nothing of it as I am out of everything now. They have had most enthusiastic meetings last week at one of the Unionists meetings there were so many people outside the Hall, who could not get in, they had to divide the meeting, I think Penzance would reurn the Unionist but the outlying districts will get the Liberal in, it was so last time. My arm is aching so I will end with much love to Aunt Kate & yourself
Your affectionate Aunt
AJ Dix
1 comment:
This letter was written by Anna Tregenna Dix, who was indeed Charlottes's sister. I would be interested to make contact with you as the Morgan family appears on my family tree - I am a Duppa descendant.
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